Our Services


Have a question on your mind? Need an expert to bounce some ideas off of? Is there a workflow or system that could use improving? Let’s discuss. We may have the answer or know just the right person or tool to get the job done.

Geographic Analysis

With over a decade of experience managing complex GIS analyses and processes CRS is eager to help our clients on projects large and small. From discrete problems that require straightforward questions and answers; to sprawling investigations that require rigorous data management and workflows – CRS has experience in each and the resources to apply the Science of Where to whatever problem is thrown at us.

Communication Design

Give your latest project the media it deserves with compelling graphics and narrative. Be it analysis, data, community process or simply the need to punch up your most recent report.

CRS can create graphics, bring life to your data and make immersive interactive content to highlight your efforts.

See more of our work at our Portfolio Page!

Why Castle Rose Solutions

Having once worn many hats, spun many plates and knowing what it feels like to be under-resourced and over-extended CRS knows exactly what its like to think – “If we only had a bit more time.”

Don’t let that be your limitation for not getting the most out of your projects, your data, your software licenses and your team. If there’s a project or product that feels just beyond reach, CRS can provide the extra push to get your team across the finish line.

. . . Or if you’re embarking on a journey into foreign territory and you “don’t know what you don’t know” CRS might just know the way – after all – map making is our business.

12 Years Experience

Quick Turnaround

5 Star Rating

Dedicated Support