Accommodations Request + Feedback Forms

Your input matters!

Your feedback and active participation are important for the development of this tool to ensure that the strategic decommissioning of California’s natural gas systems has equitable outcomes.  

We are committed to equity, inclusion, and accessibility and strive for this website to be a valuable resource for all Californians. Please use the links and contact information below to provide feedback or to suggest improvements.

Accomodation Form

General Feedback Form

Workshop Feedback Form

Data Sharing Form

We're preparing to introduce a Data Sharing Form to facilitate collaborative data exchange. Your valuable data and insights can make a significant impact in advancing our shared goals. Whether you're interested in contributing or accessing data, this form will streamline the process. Keep an eye out for its official launch, and thank you for joining us in strengthening our collective knowledge. Together, we can drive positive change through data collaboration!


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